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Июнь 2023

Интересные применения гидравлического пресса

Today we are going to talk about some interesting applications of the hydraulic press! Recently, there are some relaxing videos of how the hydraulic press crushes all kinds of things you can imagine. Let’s take a look! As you can see in this video, the hydraulic press can crush anything except kitchen sponges. It shows […]

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Знаете ли вы, как можно классифицировать гидравлический пресс?

Today’s blog is about the classification of hydraulic press, let’s take a look! A simple classification of hydraulic press A hydraulic machine is a kind of machine that also uses hydraulic oil as the power source. Through the force of the hydraulic pump, the hydraulic oil is circulated in the oil tank by the check

Знаете ли вы, как можно классифицировать гидравлический пресс? Читать дальше »

Раскрытие возможностей 100-тонного гидравлического пресса: незаменимого инструмента для современных предприятий

История развития гидравлической системы

The application of hydraulic systems in business is just developing for over a hundred years, but the application of power of wind and water is already over 5000 years. A long time ago, there was a record of using the power of wind and water flow to make some kind of “mechanism” work instead of

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Как мы поддерживать гидравлический пресс?

Hydraulics is a technology that leverages the physical properties of fluids to exert mechanical forces in engineering, industrial, scientific, and other applications. We can see the machine which uses this technology in many factories, people use it to produce many kinds of products that we apply in our daily life, such as kitchen sinks, aluminum

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